Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Who is ICATS?

    4. Meet Your Instructor

    5. A message from the instructor

    6. Disclaimer

    7. Disclaimer 2

    1. Manual 1 The Cat The Groomer

    2. Manual 2 Cat Talk & Groomer's Hands

    3. Manual 3 The Art of Cat Grooming

    4. Cat Zones

    5. Danger Zones

    6. Incident Report

    1. Photo Release

    2. Masters Assignment 1 You the Groomer

    3. Masters Assignment 2 Vet visit

    4. Master's Assignment 3 Parasites

    5. Master's Assignment 4 Protection equipment

    6. Masters Assignment 5 Cat Bingo

    7. Masters Assignment 6 Progression Groom (Practical)

    8. Masters Assignment 7 Matted Cat (Practical)

    9. Masters Assignment 8 Bathing and Drying a Cat

    10. Masters Assignment 9 Brush Out

    11. Masters Assignment 10 Nails

    12. Masters Assignment 11 Cat Show

    1. Certification Introduction

    2. Certification Guidelines

    1. New Lesson

    2. A Cat Groomer

    1. Anatomy

    2. Anatomy Quiz

    3. Ears and Eyes

    4. Ears and Eye Quiz

    5. Fur and Whiskers

    6. Fur and Whiskers Quiz

    7. Nose to Tail

    8. Nose to Tail Quiz

    9. Cats' Skin

    10. Cats' Skin Quiz

    11. Internal Parasites

    12. Internal Parasites Quiz

    13. External Parasites

    14. External Parasites Quiz

    15. Viruses

    16. Viruses Quiz

    17. Medical Conditions

    18. Medical Conditions Quiz

    19. Poisons

    20. Poisons Quiz

About this course

  • 308 lessons
  • 28.5 hours of video content


  • What is your refund Policy?

    We offer a 30 day refund with conditions. Because of the nature of online learning and that you get full access to the course, a refund will depend on how much of the course you have accessed during the 30 days. Whatever percentage of the course you have accessed with be held back from the refund. For instance, if you have accessed 25% of the course, you will receive a 75% refund. After 30 days, a refund isn't available. Withdrawal from the program and refund requests must be done in writing and refunds will be returned between 30-60 days from the date of request.

  • Do I have full access right away?

    Yes, you have full access to the course.

  • How do I get practical experience?

    Should you feel you need some mentoring, contact a cat groomer in your area to see if they will help you. Prepare to pay them for their time and expertise. ICATS is slowly building mentors around the world. If you are unable to find any and are in the vicinity of one of the ICATS instructors, contact them for mentorship. If you are unable to work with anyone, start with brush and deshed on cats, moving into bathing them when you are comfortable. Then to styling them. Rescues and SPCA's or Humane Societies are often a good source for cats to practice skills on and most of them welcome the voluntary grooming for the cats awaiting their forever homes to find them.

  • Should I offer discounted or free grooms when I start grooming cat clients/

    No, no, no. many people who are looking for free services aren't loyal customers and will go to whoever is cheapest. Because cat grooming can be dangerous, its best to charge your regular pricing, making the client aware that it may take a bit longer and the groom may not be perfect. When some people see the word discount or free, they can take advantage of it and you may wind up with very aggressive cats when you start out. By charging your normal price, these people won't bother bringing their cat to you.

  • I see the written testing is included in the price, is the practical testing included as well?

    No, the Practical testing is an extra cost per test.